Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Beyond--Method #2 Customize Your Window to the Internet

I had created an iGoogle page a year or so ago after the technology teacher at my school told me about it, but hadn't used it in a while. I had forgotten how many links I had put on it. What a quick, easy way to access the information that I need or want. I have reset it as my home page.

NetVibes also looks very interesting. It would be great to be able to create a page for my library that included links to all of my databases and research resources. Unfortunately, in my school district there is a standard home page and staff members don't have rights to change very many things on the computers. Otherwise, NetVibes would be a good homepage for the libraries.

My first impression of these two pages is that, for my own personal use, I am more likely to use iGoogle since I am already used to it and already have a Google account. If I were able to use NetVibes at work, I think that would be a fun and useful tool. Seeing what the Cranbury Public Library has done confirms that opinion for me. Lots of important information in one visually appealing, easy-to-use format. I think a page like that would attract more interest than the standard page that I have now.

One of the things that I love about courses like this is that they open my eyes to so many new ideas and products. I would never have time to search and find all of these sites on my own. Thank you!

Time spent on Method #2--approximately 2 hours.

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