Well, typical of the way things have gone for me during the time I have taken this class, I had literally clicked the Publish button when my server went down and I lost the whole post. So here goes try #2. This time I’m typing it in Word and I’ll copy and paste it when I’ve finished. I think that’s called experience.
In spite of all of my technology issues (server issues at school, inability to access my library catalog from home, having to get a new computer in the middle of the process, etc.), I did enjoy this class. There was a lot of information presented. Some of it was brand new to me, some I have had some limited experience with, and some I am very familiar with.
My favorite new discoveries are Sliderocket, ScreenJelly and MixBooks. I can see so many uses for them, at school and at home. Fun to use in my own presentations and to teach staff and students to use them as well.
One outcome of this class that I didn’t expect and I doubt that you planned for is that it made me think about some of my students who have no access to technology except at school. The little tech issues that I had were so frustrating, but at least I knew that I had some options. What must it be like for those students who have nothing? I hope that I will remember and be more sympathetic and understanding when they are ready to just give up.
This class is organized very well. You have provided a lot of information (I can hardly imagine the hours and hours you’ve spent) in a format that is easy to understand and to follow. I like the fact that the Discovery Exercises are very specific in what is expected. There is so much to learn. I hope this site will be available for a while so that I can go back and reread parts that I may have missed the first time through. I have done that with the Dozen Ways to Two-Step.
In conclusion, thank you for the time and effort you have put into this course. I am definitely interested in taking any future classes that are offered by TSLAC.
Time spent on Method #12--approximately 2.5 hours.
Total time spent on Beyond Two-Steppin'--approximately 25.5 hours.
I finally had a chance to look through these blog posts and have to say, WOW, you did a FANTASTIC JOB in the Beyond Two Steppin' program! I am so impressed with your persistence despite the tech issues you experienced (by the way, most of the screencasting applications require a Java applet to run during the session so you might start there with your tech staff)! Thank you also for logging the time spent on each method - if we decide to adjust the CE hours awarded for the program, we will re-issue a certificate to you with the new hours. Thank you again for being a beta tester. We appreciate it very much!