Q: What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
A: I had several Aha! moments during this class, including:
*The Computing in the Cloud segment introduced me to GoogleDocs, where I found a lot of useful tools.
*Learning to skin and embed a video was fun, and I got to make my Daddy happy by posting a video of his Men’s Chorus. That one thing made the whole class worthwhile for me.
*I didn’t know that there were programs like Meebo that allow subscribers to chat.
*I spent some time exploring PB Wiki so that I feel comfortable trying to set up a library wiki at school.
*I discovered the “Edit HTML” tag on Blogger. I’ve done blogs before and never used it.
Q: How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
A: I have some new tools and ideas for improving my library and making information more accessible to my students.
Q: Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
A: I am now a Facebook addict. That was a surprise. I knew about it, but didn’t know how much fun it was. Don’t know if that’s a good thing or not, but there it is. I am always surprised at how many tools are available on the Internet.
Q: What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
A: The format is great for me. I can read and reread as much as I need to and spend as much or as little time as I need to on a given topic. If all of this information were crammed into a one-or two-day workshop, it would be overwhelming. Many times I have been to workshops where, by the time they were over, I was completely overloaded with information. I like being able to read and then think, digest, and play with the new ideas before moving on.
One thing that I would like to see is a forum where participants could chat. I think that would be helpful and would allow participants to help each other by answering questions that come up.
Q: And last but not least… If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate?
A: Yes, I would definitely take another class like this. It is convenient and packed with good information. I appreciate the opportunity provided by TSLAC. I would love to have a refresher course/helpful hints on cataloging.
This has been an interesting and useful course. I am really glad that I signed up and went through all of the Methods. Some of the exercises covered topics that I knew a little about or had heard of, but having the opportunity to learn more about them and practice with them was very helpful. I spent more than the twelve hours that the introduction suggested, but that was because I spent a lot of time exploring and playing with the tools that were mentioned. It was a very worthwhile experience.
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