Del.icio.us could be a very useful tool in a school library. As I mentioned above, students could help each other find resources. Teachers could create a reading list of websites that would be useful for other teachers. Everyone who works at a school is so busy these days--trying to teach and handle all of the extra work that is required--that having a list of reliable sources would probably be a welcome time-saver. Instead of each teacher re-inventing the wheel and searching the same websites that others have searched and rejected, they could build on the work of their colleagues.
I had set up a Del.icio.us account previously for a class that I took last year. I have not done a lot with it since then, but watching the videos and reading the articles for this Method have helped me realize that it can be a useful tool for me, both personally and professionally. It’s also fun to read the tags that are assigned to a bookmarked page and to explore more pages with that same tag. It’s like getting a glimpse into how someone else thinks.
Source Cited:
Rethlefsen, Melissa L. "Tags Help Make Libraries Del.icio.us." School Library Journal 15 Sep 2007 Web.29 Sep 2009.
I had set up a Del.icio.us account previously for a class that I took last year. I have not done a lot with it since then, but watching the videos and reading the articles for this Method have helped me realize that it can be a useful tool for me, both personally and professionally. It’s also fun to read the tags that are assigned to a bookmarked page and to explore more pages with that same tag. It’s like getting a glimpse into how someone else thinks.
Source Cited:
Rethlefsen, Melissa L. "Tags Help Make Libraries Del.icio.us." School Library Journal 15 Sep 2007 Web.29 Sep 2009.
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